Hey guys,
It’s time for another blog post, and while it’s not my usual topic, I felt it was necessary to share a piece of my journey regarding self-harm.
About a year and a half ago, I found myself entangled in a cycle of self-harm that felt difficult to escape. A couple months ago I reached a huge milestone - I was clean for an entire year, and it felt amazing. I thought I had conquered that chapter in my life, but a month ago, I relapsed. At first, it was subtle, like that extra piece of cake you think you can resist but end up devouring.
I didn’t tell anyone and struggled more than I expected. The past month became a bit of a whirlwind, and I realized that keeping it inside was only making things worse. Five days ago, I decided it was time to break the silence. I told my parents, and let me tell you, that was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, but it was necessary.
I want to be clear: I’m not sharing this for sympathy. I share it because I want you all to know that when you reach out to me, it goes both ways. Your messages mean a lot to me, and I want to support you just as you support me.
This time around, I’ve noticed that my struggles have transformed from an obsession into a compulsion. It’s a reminder of how challenging this journey can be. But the important part is that I’ve chosen to take control and work on being clean again.
I hope this post resonates with anyone who might be facing similar struggles. Remember, we’re in this together, and it's okay to seek help and support when you need it.
Thanks for being part of this journey with me. Your support matters more than you know.
Remember your worth,
Summer-Rose H xxx
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